Watergarden Paradise

Aquatic Nursery

Pink & Deep Rose Hardy Waterlilies

These pink/deep rose coloured waterlilies are suitable for medium to larger ponds or even farm dams. They require a much larger water surface area for their leaf spread, hence, coverage is more when compared with small/miniature size waterlilies. Growth tip of the plant could be submerged between 20cms to 40cms below the water surface. Any deeper than 40cms the plant may not flower or grow properly.

Planting instructions is available for download here. Don't forget to include fertiliser tablets in your plantings.

All plants are supplied in BARE-ROOTED form (i.e., unpotted and free from soil media).

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Pink Hardy Waterlilies

Nymphaea - Pink (Hardy Waterlily)
Bargain Buy! All plants are named varieties selected by us at the time of packing. Excellent for landscaping if the buyer is not concerned with which variety they are provided with. Photo displayed is a guide only. Not for WA, Tasmania and NT. While stocks last. Sold in the form of rhizomes of variable sizes.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

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AUD $19.80 each
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Nymphaea 'Amabilis'

Nymphaea 'Amabilis' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1921) Beautiful stellate shaped flowers with coconut-ice pink in colour deepening to soft rose with age. Large deep green leaves. A slower propagating cultivar. Rare and in VERY LIMITED SUPPLY.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Arc-en-Ciel'
Nymphaea 'Arc-en-Ciel'

Nymphaea 'Arc-en-Ciel' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1900) A very unique hybrid with light pink starry flowers and unusual green leaves with randomly splashed/streaked with pink, cream and red. Lightly fragrant. Grown mostly for it's decorative foliage. Rare and highly sought after. Limited quantities only.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Formosa'

Nymphaea 'Formosa' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1909) A classic old fashioned hybrid with light pink deepening at the centre and lighter pink to white on the outer petals. Medium green leaves.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Gloire du Temple-sur-Lot'

Nymphaea 'Gloire du Temple sur Lot' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1913) Large and exceptionally beautiful chrysanthemum shaped pale pink to white flowers. Large round deep green leaves. Excellent for large ponds or dams. A classic French hybrid that is highly sought after. Limited supply.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Hollandia'
Nymphaea 'Hollandia'

Nymphaea 'Hollandia' (Hardy Waterlily)
(van der Velde, ????) Stunning double flowers with inner petals pink and outer petals pinkish white. Flower colour deepens with age. Round dark green leaves. Sometimes mistakenly sold as the cultivar "Darwin" which clashes with another waterlily cultivar.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

AUD $33.00 each

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Nymphaea 'James Brydon'

Nymphaea 'James Brydon' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Dreer, 1899) Beautiful deep rich-pink cup to globular shaped flowers. Gentle apple-like scent. Attractive purplish-dark green circular leaves occasionally splashed with purple.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

AUD $33.00 each

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Nymphaea 'Kathryn May Humby'

Nymphaea 'Kathryn May Humby' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Harder, c. 1999) Beautiful semi-double pink to white flowers with the innermost row of petals streaked with pink. The petals have a wide base, hence giving the flowers a classic shape. New leaves olive green fading to bright green with age. Gently scented. Rare.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

AUD $55.00 each

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Nymphaea 'Marliacea Carnea'
Nymphaea 'Marliacea Carnea'

Nymphaea 'Marliacea Carnea' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1879) An older hybrid with beautiful flesh pink flowers with deeper pink sepals in spring. The flowers are pleasantly fragrant. Green round to oval shaped leaves. Ideal soft colour that is excellent for dam plantings. Popular in English and European style water gardens. Limited supply.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

AUD $38.50 each

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Nymphaea 'Mary Edna Gore'

Nymphaea 'Mary Edna Gore' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Harder, c. 1999) NEW! Very beautiful double flowers with narrow deep pink petals fading to white tips. Gently fragrant. Bright green leaves. Similar to the variety Hollandia except that the petals are very narrow. Free flowering. A hybrid by the late waterlily hybridiser, Johan Harder. This plant was sourced from the hybridiser's garden. Very rare in cultivation worldwide. Limited supply.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Masaniello'

Nymphaea 'Masaniello' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1908) Beautiful broad petalled pink to deep pink-crimson flowers. Bright green near circular leaves. Free blooming. Used in a lot of English or European styled gardens.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Mayla'

Nymphaea 'Mayla' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Strawn, 1993) Beautiful bright glowing deep fuchsia pink flowers. The blooms are double and very large in size. Huge deep green leaves initially purple. Prefers deeper ponds. One of our earlier imports from Strawn Water Gardens (USA). A very popular variety that is always in demand. Limited supply only.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Perry's Fire Opal'

Nymphaea 'Perry's Fire Opal' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Slocum, 1987) Gorgeous vivid rich pink double peony shaped flowers. Purplish-brown leaves maturing to bright green. Although a large grower, the huge blooms are worth it. Sweetly scented. An import from Perry's Water Gardens, USA.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

AUD $39.60 each

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Nymphaea 'Perry's Pink'

Nymphaea 'Perry's Pink' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Slocum, 1984) Beautiful rich pink double flowers with an orange-red dot at the centre of the flower. Deep green leaves. Sweetly perfumed.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Perry's Viviparous Pink'
Nymphaea 'Perry's Viviparous Pink'

Nymphaea 'Perry's Viviparous Pink' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Slocum, 1990) - Beautiful eye-catching double pink flowers. New leaves red-brown colour with a bright orange red spot at the centre. New plants sometimes form from spent blooms. Reliable bloomer. One of our imports from Perry's Water Gardens (USA).
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Pink Sensation'

Nymphaea 'Pink Sensation' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Slocum, 1947) An old favourite that is reliable, fragrant and attractive. Beautiful pink star-like flowers that tends to open until late in the day. The petals are distinctively pointy. Very nice dark purple leaves ageing to green. This is the true variety and not the mis-labelled pink flowering waterlily (with rounded petal tips) sold under this name in Australia. Rare and in very limited supply.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Ray Davies'

Nymphaea 'Ray Davies' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Slocum, 1985) Beautiful light to medium pink pom-pom like flowers with rounded petal tips and deeper pink petal base. Bright green leaves. Strong fragrance. Bred by the late Perry Slocum and named after the owner (Ray Davies) of "Stapeley Water Gardens" in the UK. Rare and in limited supply.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Rosanna'
Nymphaea 'Rosanna'

Nymphaea 'Rosanna' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Ambassador Water Gardens (USA), ????) NEW! A lovely waterlily cultivar with medium to shell pink double flowers. Moderately free blooming, so best planted in large ponds or dams to give it space to spread. Very pleasant fragrance as well. Rare and in very limited supply.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Rose Arey'
Nymphaea 'Rose Arey'

Nymphaea 'Rose Arey' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Fowler, 1913) Stunningly beautiful starry deep rich pink flowers. Round green leaves initially purplish. Sweet aniseed fragrance. An exceptional cultivar. One of our all time favourites. Has appeared in pictures across many water gardening books worldwide. A well knowned and popular variety. Limited supply.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Rosennymphe'

Nymphaea 'Rosennymphe' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Junge, 1911) A very beautiful waterlily with flowers opening medium pink fading to almost white with age. Different age flowers on the same plant will give the alternating white and pink look. The true form offered. A very easy to grow variety. An import from Germany.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

AUD $33.00 each

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Nymphaea 'Starbright'

Nymphaea 'Starbright' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Strawn, 1997) Attractive pale peach pink to white flowers with slightly deeper pink towards outer petals. Interesting dark green leaves heavily splashed and blotched with very dark chocolate brown colour. One of our imports from Strawn Water Gardens, USA. Rare and in limited supply.
Certified Water Lily  Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Venusta'

Nymphaea 'Venusta' (Hardy Water Lily)
(Latour-Marliac, 1910) A medium grower with beautiful strong pink flowers. Sweetly fragrant. Brown to dark green leaves. Reliable bloomer and easy to grow. Often mixed up for another variety Pink Sensation. Limited supply.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea 'Yuh Ling'

Nymphaea 'Yuh Ling' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Strawn, 1992) NEW! From Strawn Water Gardens (USA) comes this beautiful waterlily with intensely bright fuchsia pink flowers. Brilliant colour. Leaves brownish fading to dark green with age. Highly sought after. Rare and in limited supply.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of tropical climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Part Sun & Part Shade  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

Nymphaea odorata 'William B. Shaw'

Nymphaea odorata 'William B. Shaw' (Hardy Waterlily)
(Shaw, c.1900) Delicately beautiful light rose pink flowers held well above water level with very sweet fragrance. Near round purplish leaves ageing to deep green. An older variety that is not often available.
Tolerant of cold temperate climate  Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate  Full Sun  Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens  Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams  Great as cut flowers

Currently Not Available

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Code explanations:

Tolerant of cold temperate climate = Tolerant of cold temperate climate
Tolerant of tropical climate = Tolerant of tropical climate
Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate = Tolerant of temperate & sub-tropical climate
Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost = Frost Sensitive - may not survive in climate subjected to frost
Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight = Full Shade or Indirect Sunlight
Full Sun = Full Sun
Part Sun & Part Shade = Part Sun & Part Shade
Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features = Small growing - Suitable for small size water gardens or tub style water features
Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens = Medium growing - Suitable for medium size water gardens
Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams = Large growing - Suitable for large size water gardens or naturalizing in dams
Great as cut flowers = Great as cut flowers
Native to Australia = Native to Australia